tf2 jailbreak

  1. chad mango

    please help

    Okay so a good while ago I was guard banned for three days or so and it's been a lot more than three days since then and I still can't go on BLU team at all on any wonderland jailbreak sever. Please help me if you can.
  2. ItzEnderArkail

    here's a funny story

    i was in jailbreak and someone reported me for saying "nig" and seems that staff in wonderland are racist cuz "nig" can mean everything, nightwalker, nightscope, nightclub and stuff like what the hell lmfao racist admins what even is this community
  3. D

    Very Good Warday

    I got 1/2 of the BLU team, which was very c o o l.
  4. D

    Good Warday

  5. D

    Super Good/Quick Purge

    Got the whole BLU team in under 20 seconds.
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    Rip BLUS

    First, 2 of them died to a lethal taunt soldier, which then I kill the other 2 with sweeper water lol.
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    @UberCharge!! used their birb powers to take down @Serp during Jep.
  8. D

    Good Warday Moment

    The BLU at the end of the video never knew what happened lol.
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    Rip this BLU

  10. D

    Cell Wars Turns You Into Something Else

    The cell I was in after cell wars looked like this:
  11. D

    Super Quick Warday

  12. D

    Amazing Warday

    Got the WHOLE BLU team! :)
  13. D

    Super Good Warday Moment

    Almost got the whole BLU team :)
  14. D

    Another Good Warday

    Rip BLU Heavy.
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    A Good Warday

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    Big Brain Moment

    See I knew the rule where after 4 minutes the BLUS can leave the area they are in, so I used this to my advantage. I told the BLUS that they could leave Bowling, which then I proceed to jump down (After the Sniper splits from the Medic) and win Warday. Big brain moment.
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    Another Good Dodgeball Moment

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    Good Dodgeball Moment

  19. D

    PSA: Lag Kills

    I was the a n g r y when this happened. Like it was a super easy jump but lag made it so then I somehow teleported backwards and d i e d.
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    Another Good Warday

    This clip is from around a week ago, but it's still a good warday! :)