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    Resolved DR Deny (2 People)

    ID's: https://steamcommunity.com/id/zczenkar https://steamcommunity.com/id/thetruenoodlefry Names: ~[º]EpicGamer[º]~ and noodle gordan freeman Date: 07/05/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: So after a bit, the RED says "All BLUS AFK." Then, one BLU runs away from the RED...
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    Resolved DR Deny And Delay

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SirParker135 Name: SirParker135 Date: 07/05/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: So a RED got LR, and after a bit, the RED says "All BLUS come to me." He didn't say bomb rush but you can't delay a DR, no matter what. The RED repeats this, but...
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    Resolved DR Deny

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198829129876 Name: Duke The Dragon Date: 07/05/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: I said AFK/AFM, the warden said in voice chat to be AFK/AFM, and the following player decides to run away from me, which is DR deny. Proof: Youtube Video
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    Resolved Mass Round Delay

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TacticalPugIncoming Name: TacticalPug Date: 07/04/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: During the purge, the last BLU ran away from a RED for more than 3 minutes, causing a huge round delay. Proof: Youtube Video
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    Resolved DR Deny, Freekill, And Illegal Freeday

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199062775367 Name: Imagine Profit Date: 07/04/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: In the first part, they DR denied and freekilled, as they killed the RED for no reason when the scout said their DR in voice chat. The second part...
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    Resolved DR Deny

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198831370889 Name: Jorto Koj Date: 07/04/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - LA What happened: So for my DR, I said AFK/AFM multiple times, which the warden even said this in voice chat. However, the following player decides to run away from me...
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    Resolved Freekill (Warden Never Said Blue Line In Front Or Closest To Cells)

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198975541564 Name: Pickle In A Jar Date: 07/04/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So the warden said to crouch walk to the blue line and AFK /AFM when you do so. However, he never specified that it was the one in front or closest...
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    Resolved Illegal Freeday (X3), No Mic, Armory Camp (x2), And Illegal Sticky Traps

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/EricMateus Name: Eric Mateus Date: 07/04/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: They made it an illegal freeday 3 times, they had no mic at all, they armory camped twice, and they had illegal sticky traps. Proof: Youtube Video
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    Resolved Favoritism (x2), Freekill (x2), DR Deny, And LR Deny

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022075446 Name: Crazy Wizard Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So in the first part of the video, the warden makes the 2 REDS do RPS, but the thing is that he never said winner dies (RPS auto applies winner wins if...
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    Resolved Chat Spam

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/atheistfuture Name: atheistfuture Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: They spammed chat with a bind. Proof: Screenshots
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    Resolved Said The Forbidden Word (Variant)

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/engiismybud Name: The Weeb Slayer Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: They said a variant of the N-word. Proof: Screenshot
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    Resolved Illegal Freeday

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199058073844 Name: Nino Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: They opened cells without giving orders, which is an illegal freeday. Proof: Youtube Video
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    Resolved No Mic, Illegal Freeday, And Being In A Banned Spot

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SebastianTheZero Name: doomguy Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So for the first part of the video, they had no mic and opened cells, which is an illegal free day. The second part of the video shows them being on top of the...
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    Resolved Illegal Freeday (x2) And Poor Mic

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Nopman123 Name: Dallas [GS] Date: 07/03/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: They did an illegal freeday twice and they had a very poor mic (Super quiet and it cut A LOT). Proof: Youtube Video
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    Resolved Favoritism (x2)

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/YeetYote3636 Name: Stefwano Date: 07/02/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So in the first video, he lets only one RED get ammo while the rest have to be AFK, which is favoritism as all REDS would have to go to medic, not just one RED. A...
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    Resolved Playing RED Minigame As BLU, Mass Delay, Favoritism, And Armory Tour

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/97433333333 Name: Fatbellypig Date: 07/02/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So in the first video, they played a RED minigame as a BLU, which is against the rules. In the second video, he is last guard, which he saw that the sniper had ammo...
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    Resolved Freekill (RED Wasn't Force Baiting)

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/entityxf Name: Engineer God Date: 07/02/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So the REDS were in knife pit, which they were playing trivia. As the warden was giving a question/repeating the question, one of the REDS hit a BLU that was standing...
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    Resolved DR Deny And Freekill

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199060423259 Name: alee35819 Date: 07/02/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So the last RED (With LR already) wanted to kill the following player, but they end up freekilling the RED, which is DR deny and freekill. Proof: Youtube...
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    Resolved DR Deny And Delay

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/m4ur065 Name: m4ur065 Date: 07/02/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: The last RED's DR was "All BLUS bombrush to the blue line in front/closest to cells and AFK/AFM when you do so." The warden listens but the following player doesn't do so...
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    Resolved Multiple Freekills (Days/Orders Override Orders)

    ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198450068522 Name: McMeme Date: 07/01/20 Server: Wonderland.tf Jailbreak - IL What happened: So they said that stairs/cave is KOS, but they didn't say it was a day. Then, after a while, he says that it is bombrush to my warden marker day, which...