So I have just spent over 2 years looking for a place to buy a copy of a game that was released in like 2010. I have only just found it, literally a minute ago. I'm so damn happy. Now I just need money to buy it.
Some critical file that windows uses to boot up got corrupted somehow, meaning I spent over 3 hours trying to find and fix it to no avail. Eventually I just went with reinstalling windows and praying setting everything back up wasn't too much work.
That's where the extra 3 hours of work comes in. Only now, after I've barely got the drivers and everything updated, does it really sink in. I fucked my PC up. Big time.
dr_stardust_a3b is done! Key part of the title being "a3". Alpha 3. Really early in development. Either way, where I playtested it, reception was pretty good, and I hope any other servers that want it can give me some useful feedback too.
My newest deathrun map takes 3 minutes to load up in hammer, while multirun took about 10 seconds, and the rest of them take like 2 seconds. Concerning, because at some point hammer will just fail to load the map likely. Yeeeeey...
I feel like adding an easter egg to dr_stardust related to Evangelion would suit the map. But take for example, dr_playstation... That server crash easter egg... Is too tame. Imagine something, much more over the top, and significantly worse. More than just a server crash then the server instantly reboots.
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