Anonymous (13b1)
SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: https://steamcommunity.com/id/assassin2318
Date of incident: 7/1/2023
Server name / IP:
Proof of evidence:
Explain what happened & include as much information as possible:
A Medic (Ikaros) and Demo (Niez) combo was killing the BLU team. After a while, Lurid, looking to get a response out of Nieznajomy and Ikaros, became very toxic. Spouting out harmful messages and calling both of them "mentally challenged."
Date of incident: 7/1/2023
Server name / IP:
Proof of evidence:
Explain what happened & include as much information as possible:
A Medic (Ikaros) and Demo (Niez) combo was killing the BLU team. After a while, Lurid, looking to get a response out of Nieznajomy and Ikaros, became very toxic. Spouting out harmful messages and calling both of them "mentally challenged."