List of In-game chat colors

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★ Donor ★
Dec 9, 2017
Here is the list of chat colors you can buy/use to change your messages color, name color (VIP, Staff) or assigned tags color (VIP, Staff) on the Wonderland servers.
Note that some chat colors will not be clearly visible due to the white background. To resolve this, use the dark mode on your browser or get a dark mode toggling extension or use "Inspect Element" to change the background. Scroll down to see how you can do it.

aliceblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

allies >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Allies team in DoD:S)

ancient >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Ancient item rarity in Dota 2)

antiquewhite: >>> This is how it will look in game.

aqua: >>> This is how it will look in game.

aquamarine: >>> This is how it will look in game.

arcana >>> This is how it will look in game. // (same as Arcana item rarity in Dota 2)

axis: >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Axis team in DoD:S)

azure: >>> This is how it will look in game.

beige: >>> This is how it will look in game.

bisque >>> This is how it will look in game.

black >>> This is how it will look in game.

blanchedalmond >>> This is how it will look in game.

blue >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as BLU/Counter-Terrorist team color)

blueviolet >>> This is how it will look in game.

brown >>> This is how it will look in game.

burlywood >>> This is how it will look in game.

cadetblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

chartreuse >>> This is how it will look in game.

chocolate >>> This is how it will look in game.

collectors >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Collector's item quality in TF2)

common >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Common item rarity in Dota 2)

community >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Community item quality in TF2)

coral >>> This is how it will look in game.

cornflowerblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

cornsilk >>> This is how it will look in game.

corrupted >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Corrupted item quality in Dota 2)

crimson >>> This is how it will look in game.

cyan >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkcyan >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkgoldenrod >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkgray >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkgrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkkhaki >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkmagenta >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkolivegreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkorange >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkorchid >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkred >>> This is how it will look in game.

darksalmon >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkseagreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkslateblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkslategray >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkslategrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkturquoise >>> This is how it will look in game.

darkviolet >>> This is how it will look in game.

deeppink >>> This is how it will look in game.

deepskyblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

dimgray >>> This is how it will look in game.

dimgrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

dodgerblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

exalted >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Exalted item quality in Dota 2)

firebrick >>> This is how it will look in game.

floralwhite >>> This is how it will look in game.

forestgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

frozen >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Frozen item quality in Dota 2)

fuchsia >>> This is how it will look in game.

fullblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

fullred >>> This is how it will look in game.

gainsboro >>> This is how it will look in game.

genuine >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Genuine item quality in TF2)

ghostwhite >>> This is how it will look in game.

gold >>> This is how it will look in game.

goldenrod >>> This is how it will look in game.

gray >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as spectator team color)

grey >>> This is how it will look in game.

green >>> This is how it will look in game.

greenyellow >>> This is how it will look in game.

haunted >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Haunted item quality in TF2)

honeydew >>> This is how it will look in game.

hotpink >>> This is how it will look in game.

immortal >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Immortal item rarity in Dota 2)

indianred >>> This is how it will look in game.

indigo >>> This is how it will look in game.

ivory >>> This is how it will look in game.

khaki >>> This is how it will look in game.

lavender >>> This is how it will look in game.

lavenderblush >>> This is how it will look in game.

lawngreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

legendary >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Legendary item rarity in Dota 2)

lemonchiffon >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightcoral >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightcyan >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightgoldenrodyellow >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightgray >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightgrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightpink >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightsalmon >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightseagreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightskyblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightslategray >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightslategrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightsteelblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

lightyellow >>> This is how it will look in game.

lime >>> This is how it will look in game.

limegreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

linen >>> This is how it will look in game.

magenta >>> This is how it will look in game.

maroon >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumaquamarine >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumorchid >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumpurple >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumseagreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumslateblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumspringgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumturquoise >>> This is how it will look in game.

mediumvioletred >>> This is how it will look in game.

midnightblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

mintcream >>> This is how it will look in game.

mistyrose >>> This is how it will look in game.

moccasin >>> This is how it will look in game.

mythical >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Mythical item rarity in Dota 2)

navajowhite >>> This is how it will look in game.

navy >>> This is how it will look in game.

normal >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Normal item quality in TF2)

oldlace >>> This is how it will look in game.

olive >>> This is how it will look in game.

olivedrab >>> This is how it will look in game.

orange >>> This is how it will look in game.

orangered >>> This is how it will look in game.

orchid >>> This is how it will look in game.

palegoldenrod >>> This is how it will look in game.

palegreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

paleturquoise >>> This is how it will look in game.

palevioletred >>> This is how it will look in game.

papayawhip >>> This is how it will look in game.

peachpuff >>> This is how it will look in game.

peru >>> This is how it will look in game.

pink >>> This is how it will look in game.

plum >>> This is how it will look in game.

powderblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

purple >>> This is how it will look in game.

rare >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Rare item rarity in Dota 2)

red >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as RED/Terrorist team color)

rosybrown >>> This is how it will look in game.

royalblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

saddlebrown >>> This is how it will look in game.

salmon >>> This is how it will look in game.

sandybrown >>> This is how it will look in game.

seagreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

seashell >>> This is how it will look in game.

selfmade >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Self-Made item quality in TF2)

sienna >>> This is how it will look in game.

silver >>> This is how it will look in game.

skyblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

slateblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

slategray >>> This is how it will look in game.

slategrey >>> This is how it will look in game.

snow >>> This is how it will look in game.

springgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

steelblue >>> This is how it will look in game.

strange >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Strange item quality in TF2)

tan >>> This is how it will look in game.

teal >>> This is how it will look in game.

thistle >>> This is how it will look in game.

tomato >>> This is how it will look in game.

turquoise >>> This is how it will look in game.

uncommon >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Uncommon item rarity in Dota 2)

unique >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Unique item quality in TF2

unusual >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Unusual item quality in TF2)

valve >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Valve item quality in TF2)

vintage >>> This is how it will look in game. (same as Vintage item quality in TF2)

violet >>> This is how it will look in game.

wheat >>> This is how it will look in game.

white >>> This is how it will look in game.

whitesmoke >>> This is how it will look in game.

yellow >>> This is how it will look in game.

yellowgreen >>> This is how it will look in game.

All the color codes or associated coding/scripting can be found on the site above.

Change background:
How to view non-visible colors using Inspect Element:
Right click anywhere in the area of the post and select "Inspect Element" The selected element should be: "<div class="bbWrapper">"

Scroll up to " <div class="message-cell message-cell--main"> " and click on it.

Use the Filter and type the word "Color" and next to 'Background' there should be a little white square.

Click on it to change the color. Or, you can paste a color code (example: #8FBC8F )1571490873597
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