Accepted I've been misunderstood.

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Nov 24, 2021
1.) Include your ban profile link:
(If i am not wrong i should have it linked to this profile but i'll add a link anyway.)

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
Appereantly i was bating a racial slur (which was the n word)
But i wasnt baiting it.
Some guy accidently almost said it in vc and i typed in chat.
"Ni- What?"
Which was obviously not baiting the n word and just saying to him his almost said mistake.

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:

Since there is probably no logs of voicechat.
I am pretty sure some other people also went on the same thing as me just saying like "He was trying to say nice"
Or something like that.
[Sorry my grammar kinda sucks rn my brain is thinking about 50 things at once]
And it's a weekly ban that i don't deserve because i wasnt trying to bait the n word.
And even if i was Paraflax already told me like 6 months ago (i think) that it could be banneable and i haven't tried to bait it ever since (atleast i think so)
I don't have any proof because i don't record while i am playing on community servers.
Also just in case you're wondering the guy that ALMOST said the word in vc was Garlic and he is a pretty nice guy.

I hope that is enough.

Edit:*Fixed some grammar issues*


just a muffin
Honorary Member ★
Sep 14, 2020
your dad's
Considering that it's been a while since you previous offense and I don't see any instances of toxicity, I am inclined to agree with your story. Just please be more mindful next time.

Appeal Accepted
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