Accepted Ingame and discord mute appeal

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Mar 30, 2024
Steam :, Discord : pixelavenarius (no tag)

2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned:
The reason why i've been muted/gagged is because some guy in the ingame chat said "im a niger" and i responded with "Hello Niger" and this caused the ingame mute for 1440 minutes or so after that i joined the discord server and asked why i've been muted for this. after i explained what happened i got permanently muted on discord for "slur baiting immediately after joining" so the conclusion of this is that i did not mean anything racist towards anyone and that word should not be considered hard r. the word niger is the name of a country that is in west africa. so no, niger, nigeria, montenegro, etc, should not be compelled to change their names to appeal to the overly delicate sensibilities of the belligerent ignoramuses

3.) Tell us why we should unban you:
This has all been a big misunderstanding and i promise for it not to happen again, to everyone reading this, have a good day


Head-Admin ★★★
★ Donor ★
May 31, 2018
Alright, glancing through your logs it seems there were no racial connotations with your message, and you have a clean record so that makes it more believable.
You were a tad bit toxic in your logs, so I want that to stop too.
Due to it being your first punishment, I'm giving you a second chance, don't fuck it up.

Appeal accepted
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