Anonymous (c8d7)
SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199401417609/ and https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198869055760/
Date of incident: 20/01/2023
Server name / IP:
Proof of evidence in form of:
The player named coPe began using verbal slurs against Walter who appears to be a minor based on their voice. He continued to use such language for around an hour with the kid and basically made him start screaming and swearing back at him. The most notable slurs used by coPe were "I will **** your mother.", "I ****** your mother yesterday, you will have a sister in 8 months.", etc.
The kid is calling out to a friend of his called "Hyphen" but the guy ultimately left after the kid got harassed for a long time and the other people started mic-spamming. The audio I added below is right around that time and I wish I could have added the video file but it was apparently too large for the server to process even after I compressed it down to 4.5 MB.
I normally wouldn't care about two adults arguing or swearing at each other in game but this guy is specifically targeting younger people, recording them and then putting them on his youtube channel as ragers. ( )
The kid also swore a lot and called "coPe" many names like "A**hole, f**ker, etc."
Hopefully something will be done about this.
I also have videos of other slurs being used and could stream them on discord if necessary.
Date of incident: 20/01/2023
Server name / IP:
Proof of evidence in form of:
- TF2 demo / video recording
- screenshots
The player named coPe began using verbal slurs against Walter who appears to be a minor based on their voice. He continued to use such language for around an hour with the kid and basically made him start screaming and swearing back at him. The most notable slurs used by coPe were "I will **** your mother.", "I ****** your mother yesterday, you will have a sister in 8 months.", etc.
The kid is calling out to a friend of his called "Hyphen" but the guy ultimately left after the kid got harassed for a long time and the other people started mic-spamming. The audio I added below is right around that time and I wish I could have added the video file but it was apparently too large for the server to process even after I compressed it down to 4.5 MB.
I normally wouldn't care about two adults arguing or swearing at each other in game but this guy is specifically targeting younger people, recording them and then putting them on his youtube channel as ragers. (
The kid also swore a lot and called "coPe" many names like "A**hole, f**ker, etc."
Hopefully something will be done about this.
I also have videos of other slurs being used and could stream them on discord if necessary.