Giving away some items (Also its the first giveaway!!)

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Smug Rebellion

Master Rebeller
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Apr 7, 2020
Inside the Cells of Jailbreak
Hello everyone, this is the first giveaway I ever did inside the community. I've given a lot to this community so I've decided to give something back. This will be for some items in my inventory and currency.
The prizes are:

Mannana Peeled Pistol (MW)

10 Unique basic weapons of your choice

10 Refined metal

Crabe de Chapeau

How to enter:
Comment on this thread with your favorite TF2 item can be strange, unusual, collectors, unique, etc. as long as it's in tf2 and it exists.

A good moment/memory of me that you liked the most.
Your favorite moment from the community

There will be a total of 4 winners picked at random


★ Donor ★
Jan 1, 2020
Unusual Napper's Respite (Unusual Effect: Circling Heart.)

I have many magnificent good moments/memory with you but to bring it shortly speaking to you in private messages and playing with you on team fortress 2 been a great pleasure.

I don't have a favourite moment from the community only respect is what admires.
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★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Dec 24, 2018
My favourite item in TF2 are my Strange Graybanns. It would have been my all class unusual but I sold a large chunk of my inventory recently. (My glory days are over)

My fondest memory of you are your god awful Teemo plays.

My favourite moment of the community was my first time getting accepted as staff. I look back on that time with great pleasure.
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★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Jan 5, 2020
Favorite item is my Strange Law. Mainly because it is all-class and it is just fitting.

Favorite moment of you is when you returned to monkey🐒 But for real, it has bee nice to play games with you.

Favorite moment with the community is when I was accepted as staff recently. I'm not going to make a story but I was streaming minecraft with you and Snekleks (from what I recall) and close to midnight, boom, I am the funny staff. It was overwhelming but it was probably the most enjoyable experience I had.
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Some jailbreak guy
Honorary Member ★
Jul 13, 2019
collectors phlog cuz W+M1
Anything green i like lol.

I have no definite answer because I don't like to favor other people, but I'm sure we have had some fun times.

Trivia night was pretty cool. same with game night when we played VHS and Jackbox
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Active Member
Sep 24, 2018
I think my favourite item is the Spycrab because it's cute.
My favourite moment that I experienced in TF2 was in 2018 when I was still fresh to the game. I was playing with bots but I still felt like a god. Basically, a Soldier with a medic fired two rockets at me. I reflected the first one knocking him in the air and I reflected the second one getting an airshot on the Soldier. The Medic didn't stand a chance against me on his own so I burned him into fried shrimp.
I'm not sure what my favourite moment from the community. Maybe it's being created or something like that.

Smug Rebellion

Master Rebeller
★ Donor ★
Honorary Member ★
Apr 7, 2020
Inside the Cells of Jailbreak
My favourite moment that I experienced in TF2 was in 2018 when I was still fresh to the game. I was playing with bots but I still felt like a god. Basically, a Soldier with a medic fired two rockets at me. I reflected the first one knocking him in the air and I reflected the second one getting an airshot on the Soldier. The Medic didn't stand a chance against me on his own so I burned him into fried shrimp.
A good moment/memory of me that you liked the most.


Honorary Member ★
Jan 18, 2020
My favorite item in tf2 is "The King of Scotland cape", the reason why it's my favorite is that it's my first cosmetic I got and it looks cools when wearing it as demoknight.

My Favorite moment of you is that we both play Jb since I was still a staff member, you keep ordering "monkey day" and we (you, me and jinshee) always did a cow noises in VC discord

My favorite moment of this community is that I got accepted on staff since February 29, 2020, I thought I was gonna get declined due of what Kokostal told me in my application, It's been 6-7 months since I worked with them (banning rule breakers and playing with honorary members in jailbreak) and I am really enjoyed myself that I did my job, I'm also happy that I mentor new moderators like I taught @StarOfSouls (and others I believe) about how to do mic check and what are the commands.
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Forum Activist
Jan 29, 2020
I got a lot of items that I love so I’ll just say them all:

Remorseless Raptor​

Wild Whip​


Big Kill​

Chicago Overcoat​

Just to add on: Mostly our most fun moments together is legit when we play among us together and a lot of other things involving both of us playing games. Favorite memory of the community would have to go to the creation of the monkey kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
1. The Hungover Hero
2. Playing League with you is always a blast, too many times to name any particular moment
3. I've had a long and complicated history with the community. During the summer I sorta fell out. It wasn't until one day, I was just goofing around in a Jailbreak server, and mister Profit himself pings me in the wln discord. I join, and we have a nice conversation. From there, I've made so many cool friends and had so many great moments with those friends. That is my most memorable moment from the community, a community that has been so kind to me and given me so many great moments to look back on. Good times.​
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Popular Member
Jan 24, 2020
My favorite hat has to be a Cloud 9 Bonk Leadwear (I once saw b4nny wear the non robot version of it, and I thought it looked cool, not to mention someone I use to know gave it to me)

I don't got a clue who you are lmaooo

It has to be when I hanged out with Xue Lee Wong and Squad, they always made the game funny/interesting
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