Accepted Appeal for Adwans's Communication unban

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Mar 5, 2020

my Name is Jonas and I have been muted since the 27th of February 2020 from all your Wonderland Servers.

I mostly played on your Trade Minecraft Servers, because I met a lot of funny and goofy people and shared a lot of time with them. And since many people talked, I often used my microphone as well. One day I saw someone on a non wonderland server (or maybe it was a wonderland server, but I don't remember) who played music from his microphone and the crowd praised him. That's why I also got sound pad from the Steam Store. And what can I say? The people loved my music. I played Hits from the 70th,80th,90th and even classic and pop songs. It was perfect! When I just didn't want to talk, I could please my online friends with music. But well, I guess the admin who muted me didn't like my taste of music and muted me. I never thought of any consequences and the crowd requested more music so when my mute was over I played again, and again, and again until I got permuted.
And well now we are here...

Since then, I really missed just being able to talk. It is like you can't open your glued mouth but still want to scream, so the world can hear my sunlight that is coming out of the mouth of mine!! I am basically crippled.

So yeah, that's all the background story. I request friendly that you may remove the permeant muting from me. Even tho it wouldn't be permeant then, so I really beg for mercy.

I won't play music ever again, I promise, like really. This long communication ban was a big lesson for me.

The Link I put here is my Ban Link from your site:
And this Link is my Steam Profile:
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