
  1. Tuler Durden

    Declined Weap Abuse

    1.) Укажите ссылку на ваш профиль бана, если применимо: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199473463516/ 2.) Объясните, что произошло/почему вас забанили: I was banned for "Weap abuse" because I played as a demoman (demoknight) and I forgot to take off my boots and shield from my...
  2. WhittyOrWity?

    Resolved As engie, I have no primary.

    So basically, when i use the weapons cmd as engie and equip beep man and also a few weapons, i respawn and i have no primary and also have my regular loadout not the one i picked but i have my beep man hat. 1621711478 help me please
  3. Captain Weeb

    The Third Degree...

    Well after doing a different weapon analysis yesterday on the manmelter in a different thread, I thought about this pyro melee quite a bit afterwards. The main reason being, it's what I call a "flawed upgrade." Let's start with the stats. It's valve official stats, along with most other melees...