tf2 servers

  1. Jackstarrealyt

    Declined i got banned because of a misunderstanding, please unban me

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: heres my steam account aka Scout Gaming 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Well, i was playing a game along with my friends and some guy started joking about rape and i was just...
  2. bzya

    Accepted Plz unban

    1.) Добавьте ссылку на блокировку своего профиля: [У:1:1119487697] 2.) Объясните, что произошло/почему вас забанили: Бан ожиданий на читерство 3.) Расскажите, почему нам следует разбанить вас: Меня забанили по деньгам. Я никогда не пользовался сторонними программами. Мой аккаунт ни разу не...
  3. H

    Accepted I would like to be forgiven.

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: To be honest, i am not able to explain why i was banned, but my reason was that i said something racist? 3.) Tell us why we should...
  4. Clownfucker

    Accepted [TF2] Bhop ban appeal

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Bought a new mechanical keyboard that helps me with bhop, if the space bar keeps being pressed it makes continuous jumps I used it for a...
  5. Mr. Tootsie

    Declined Kindly unban me

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: (If you are appealing a Discord ban, include your Discord User ID) You can do so by visiting & searching for your ban. (If you have your Steam account linked on your forum account, this step is not a requirement.)...
  6. TheProSoldier

    Accepted was banned in 2016/2017 for no reason

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: was banned 5 years ago and idk really know why the admins said that my ip was used by cheaters or something but i was 12 years old back then and in...
  7. xileksi

    Declined fork3 And I've also bought a everlasting vip status in wonderland, can you forgive

    Welcome, my point concerns it that when I was ban list already for almost 2 years, the share would ask pardon that I could play again wonderland on, I'm really sorry about what I did that freekills and all the bad words what you've sanonit, but I promise to be from now on, exemplary and is not 2...
  8. MonkeyDB

    Accepted [SURF] Update surf_10x_tf2_complete to newest remaster on 24/7 servers

    The map, surf_10x_tf2_complete, has received a major remaster by mapper Exer. The newest version has major expansion and improvements, as well as balance changes and camping reduction. Overall, it is a pleasant change to the near decade old (If not more) map, 10x. Here is a link to the video...
  9. the fat lazy engineer

    Resolved what servers can you resize with vip on?

  10. TheIcyMango

    Now that's a cute dog <3

  11. NimSS

    Jailbreak is Basically Battle Front 2 but Worse

    I was playing on one of the Jailbreak servers and I joined blue after I died. When round started, I was about halfway up the blue scoreboard, yet I died after countdown yet no one else did. I asked why this happened, and someone said Admins and "Donaters" get priority over the blue side. Hey...
  12. {-.-}

    We Need More Active Admins On TF2.

    I've Have Found Lots Of Spammers And People Who Were Not Following The Rule "Talking Different Languages Other Than English Is Forbidden In Our Servers". Please Get More Admins Active Or Kick Other Admins Who Aren't Active. I've Been Annoyed And Really Mad At These People...