
  1. Chucky

    Resolved Guy says c word in chat

    Hello. Today a person by the username CrazyLion has swore on chat and I have proof. I have been banned for 3 days because of letter I wrote on a minecraft trade server before. This guy said the same things as me but didnt get banned. I didnt have proof that time. Now I do. I am completely...
  2. {-.-}

    Resolved Really Really Mad Swearing Person

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074824559/ STEAM_0:1:57279415 [U:1:114558831] Player's Name: SKC l DK Date of incident: 2017/12/09 Server name / IP: Proof of evidence in form of: Mad,Mad , Mad More Info: So I Was...