
  1. GetYaArmour

    JailBreak Rule Discussion

    So on the Wonderland JB Rules Page Warden Rules state that warden has to have a mic. However our warden had no mic but apparently @lolnutt said that this was fine as long as no-one on blu has a mic? Can someone clarify this, and if what lolnutt said is correct could the rules thread be updated?
  2. D

    Jailbreak New Rules/Days To The Jailbreak Rules

    So I'm not sure why these aren't added to the rules yet, as they should be. I know if a custom day is made, you have to define it. However, some of these are pretty self-explanatory and a warden shouldn't have to define it. Therefore, I am suggesting some new rules/days be added to the official...
  3. D

    Jailbreak New Rule Suggestion For Jailbreak

    "If Deathrun Is (Illegally) Resetted, Wardens Are Required To Stop The Game And Either Make The Reds Go Through All The Traps Without The Blus Or Warden Activating The Traps, Or Making The Reds Backtrack To The Start Of Deathrun" I think that this should really be added to the jailbreak rules...
  4. Arus

    Revealing admins is not ok?

    I don't get it, why is revealing admins a bannable offense? Is it something to do with anonymity?
  5. Davey

    Resolved What does this rule mean?

    Rules > Jailbreak rules > Warden rules Orders with multiple negatives are not permitted. What is considered a "negative order", and can you give some examples, please?
  6. Homeless Teletubby

    Resolved !calladmin reasons

    What rulebreaks are reasons for using !calladmin? Of course, except for hacking and mic-chat spamming, what about foreign languages? I just wanted to know, so that I don't end up accidently abusing the !calladmin system. Thanks.
  7. NimSS

    Allow free speech on all servers.

    I still don't see why racism, legal harassment, and other topics are banned to say in chat, even as example. I also don't see how allowing these things would ruin the server, just have no spam rules and then your server is fine. If your so confident that racism and harassment are terrible...
  8. {-.-}

    We Need More Active Admins On TF2.

    I've Have Found Lots Of Spammers And People Who Were Not Following The Rule "Talking Different Languages Other Than English Is Forbidden In Our Servers". Please Get More Admins Active Or Kick Other Admins Who Aren't Active. I've Been Annoyed And Really Mad At These People...