
  1. mymorgan

    Declined GUARD BAN APPEAL !!!!!!!!

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: i was guardbanned for mass free killing in october 2023 and that was a really long time ago almost a year 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: it...
  2. Alaitria Kane

    Accepted Guardban unguardban appeal of epicness

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: I have no idea how to access that for guardbans. I'm sorry. 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: It says I got guardbanned for 24 hours spent alive for mass freekilling. 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I haven't touched...
  3. eggthefatass420

    Declined i got guard banned

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: so i called reds goo goo ga ga but you can also call reds "guys" so i think this is kinda like a double standart 3.) Tell us why we...
  4. _DocDelete_

    Declined Appeal Guardban

    1.) Include your ban profile link, if applicable: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: I was guard banned for mfk, so basically the red team was just heavily mic spammed and were pretty toxic. 3.) Tell us why we should unban you: I...
  5. ObviousNova

    Declined Was banned for MFK

    I was on a wonderland Jailbreak server a couple days ago when I thought spamming stickies would be the funniest crap ever. So I plotted stickies on every warden marker. I ended up blowing it up because I THOUGHT it would be funny. And then I was slayed, so I decided to go as a Machina sniper the...
  6. Cookiez

    Declined Guardban Appeal.

    I was playing some Jailbreak and came 2 days later to see that I am guardbanned. I understand that it could be justifiable that I was banned, but considering that the LR Recipient wasn't giving any orders to the BLUs to remain AFK or for me to stop airblasting him. Than it feels quite unfair...
  7. MalignantCoomer

    Accepted Guard Ban Appeal - MalignantCoomer

    Hello, everyone. 1.) Include your ban profile link: - Steam account: 2.) Explain what happened / why you have been banned: Apparently, I'm guardbanned for freehitting, but the issue is that it's always for 60 minutes every single time I...
  8. Barnacles

    Declined Still Guardbanned for another 1000 minutes

    So I'm fine if whoever sees this decides to have me go through with the time, because my account was at fault for a mass freekill during a game. I'd like to at least shorten this amount of time mostly due to the fact that I don't have much freetime to play the server, so getting the ban off is...
  9. ThiccBoi9000

    Invalid Guard Banned For Not Having A Microphone. JailBreak

    So I have been guard banned incorrectly for not having a microphone TWICE. The first time was at night and I had been guard banned by 'shame' for not having a mic when I wasn't even on the server. I now have been guard banned for 6 hours even though I have a mic and I was dead as a guard on blu...
  10. L

    Invalid Appeal for jailbreak vote Guard Ban

    The ban page refuses to load, but here's my steamID: 76561198851179090 I was (vote) banned for apparent freekill, after killing a freeday who was blocking the armory door by standing next to it and keeping it shut. I should be unbanned because not only was it completely fair to kill someone...