
  1. Oktoberfest

    Resolved Yevgeny Prigozhin map exploit taunting

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: [U:1:1276219309] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199236485037 Date of incident: 21.01.2024 Server name / IP: wonderland rus 2Fort > Fastresp Proof of evidence in form of: TF2 demo / video recording screenshots Explain what...
  2. Rainbow Demon

    Invalid Technical Team Spawn exploit on deathrun

    This exploit is alowing people to return to play when changing team to blu as alive red member in dr and then switching back to red very fast then to do it again reconect is needed it ruins playing as death when someone exploit to respawn
  3. sand.

    Resolved Cleaver exploit.

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062578254/ Player Name: Hλlf Alive Date of incident: 27.5.2020 Server name / IP: Proof of evidence in the form of: TF2 demo Explain what happened & include as much information as possible...
  4. sand.

    Resolved Huge cleaver-exploit killing.

    SteamID / STEAM profile of the player: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198929664245/ Player Name: soup man (1day) Date of incident: 25.5.2020 Server name / IP: Proof of evidence in the form of: TF2 demo Explain what happened & include as much information as...
  5. Tinkinator

    Invalid Cheater abuse

    A user, at the time atleast was named just "egg", I reported him for stalling on one of the deathrun servers while on dr_lazytown_v1fix but I had also noticed he also had godmode and invisibility without privelages, so he is either some kind of exploiter or cheater. He was stalling the round by...
  6. sniperstyx

    Resolved Reporting a new type of exploit/glitch

    So, i went through Youtube once again and then i saw this new exploit Delfy posted on Youtube. I clicked on it and then saw the steps. I did it too and then i got super amazed since that was the only actual exploit i've ever performed successfully, but it has some problems, buuuut first, those...
  7. favless was taken

    Invalid Garczi25

    ok this guy is using the scottish resistance glitch and hes been using it for about 20 mins pls do something
  8. RulerOfTheFae

    Resolved Tele exploits galore.

    Server: Minecraft A7 LA Date: 2018-06-22 Reason: Tele exploits Profiles: (... the pyro) (Building) https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheW1ldF2P/ (coin) (Building) https://steamcommunity.com/id/coinlmao/ (rewind 2k) (Using) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198200917670/ (DVS1) (Building)...