
  1. andreanna2004

    hi i'm andreanna

    i like drawing and playing team fortress 2 here's one of my art
  2. D

    Birb Sketch

    Pretty basic sketch of a Gray Catbird. Is nice.
  3. Goofy

    Quarantine Art Stuffs

    post whatever youve made during quarantine, maybe make something of your tf2 main and what they are doing during quarantine, share ideas or fun things to do during quarantine!
  4. fsq

    Here's some of my photography!

    I take photos of the city I live in and nature around my house! There's years worth of it but these are the ones I find nice. If you have anything nice to say or some feedback, feel free to!
  5. SteamCloaker

    SFM Guy

    Hey guys, generic SFM artist #503 here, I make SFM stuff, have a look. 1570573055 For those curious: I use: SFM (Duh) Photoshop Magic Bullet Looks paint.NET and I use my Wacom Intuous Pro.
  6. ○omelet○

    2019 Staff Artwork

    This has been in the works for a solid month now and I'm glad to say it's finally done! Unfortunately I didn't have the time to draw the whole staff team, but being able to design the majority of the members was still fun and interesting. Staff List: Eight Xanerino Superguard Raspootis LUV...
  7. The Kid Pyro

    Art Giveaway!

    to enter is really simple! first person to get it right wins! whats my favorite number! 1-10 and whats my favorite color A: Red B: Blue C: Orange D: Purple First to get them both right wins one free chest up art commision!(sadly not fullbody ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...