PSR Sentrypro Nov 17, 2018 Holy fuck, I been inactive for so long... Anyways got a new computer so I'll be able to run tf2
PSR Sentrypro Jul 15, 2018 Everyone please do not try and spam thread as it's rather annoying and it can just lead you into trouble
Everyone please do not try and spam thread as it's rather annoying and it can just lead you into trouble
PSR Sentrypro May 29, 2018 Astronomy fact 1-psr j0437 is probably the most accurate known pulsar that we know. Well in terms of distance and size that is
Astronomy fact 1-psr j0437 is probably the most accurate known pulsar that we know. Well in terms of distance and size that is
PSR Sentrypro May 1, 2018 I'll be inactive next the end of May I promise I artpiece that is from a game....not just any game a modded one
I'll be inactive next the end of May I promise I artpiece that is from a game....not just any game a modded one
PSR Sentrypro Apr 16, 2018 Half of my threads are art if you don't like them don't say anything thanks and enjoy~